Below is the provisional list of runners for the 2022 Grand Union Canal Race allocated from the 234 entries received. Competitors that have paid their race-fees to confirm their place can be found on the GUCR Entry List.
David Allan
Samantha Amend
Mark Anslow
Sam Atkinson
Daniel Aylott
Gary Barnes
Mick Barnes
Paul Barnicott
Matthew Bazire
Katie Beckingham
Peter Bengtsson
Alzbeta Benn
Gillian Benner
James Bennett
Marc Bingham
Edward Blakey
Tom Boother
Mathew Bowers
Henry Bradley
Michael Brehe
Chloe Brooks
Sandra Brown
Trinity Buckley
Sonny Burrows
Yvette Burton
Chris Caimino
Alex Carberry
Darren Chalk
Liz Chamberlayne
Jonathan Chandley
Elisabeth Chapple
Craig Clements
Dan Cole
Gary Connolly
John Cooper
Mark Coutts
Nikki Coutts
Chris Crumly
Jenna Dagger
Tom Daniel
Benjamin Davies
Daniel Del Piccolo
Owen Delaney
Ryan Manish Deol
John Duggan
James Dunn
Simon Ellison
Frances Evans
Steve Feary
Justine Flett
Russell Foster
Richard Fountain
Russell Gardham
Tim Gardiner
Andrew Gemmell
Mick Gilbert
Justin Gilmore
Roz Glover
Simon Goodman
Karl Gordon
Karl Gough
Aaron Gourley
Francis Graham-Dixon
Rhino Boy Chris Green
William Guiver
Joseph Halsll
Ian Hammett
John Hammond
Hamish Hanson
Cathy Harrison
Daniel Hawkins
Ivor Hewitt
Simon Hibbott
Elizabeth Hilton
Adrian Hingley
Martin Ilott
Ash Isaacs
Andy Ives
Daniel Ivey
Dominique James
Ian Jarvis
Kate Jayden
Peter Johnson
Kellie Judd
Otto Karhunen
Nickolaj Kennett
Tom Kerrigan
Richard Killeby Pugh
Arpad Kisch
Philip Kujawa
Gin Lawson
Richard Lear
Christopher Lee
Ian Leech
Dafydd Lewis
David Liddall
Glen Linsell
Mark Lutman
Chris Maxwell
Richard Mayes
Mike McKenzie
Andrew Mckillop
David McLure
Fiona McNelis
Daniel Moloney
Philip Morgan
Keith Mulholland
Daniel Mullin
Abbi Naylor
Red Neale
Tracey Newman
Naomi Newton-Fisher
Rick Nicholls
Matt Norman
Brenda Okeeffe
Edward Olcot
Dominic Osman-Allu
John Painting
Ben Parkes
Karen Peck
Ben Peresson
Phil Perry
Gavin Reeves
Claire Reilly
Dave Reynier
Daniel Robinson
Kenneth Rosfort- Nees
Ellis Rust
Jon Salmon
David Sampayo
Rodrigo Santos
Leigh Saunders
Sarah Sawyer
Ian Shelley
Chris Simmons
Patrick Simpson
Ian Sinclair
Ben Slater
Liz Small
Louise Smart
David Smith
Jools Smith
Charlotte Smith
Andy Snow
Giacomo Squintani
Simon Staples
Jonathan Steele
Pete Summers
Ally Sutherland
Kevin Tack
Andrew Tebbenham
Shawn Timmons
Richard Vahlhaus
Homer Valencia
Laura Watts
Jeremy Webster
Polly Wells
Wendy Whearity
Paul White
Michael Wiggins
Barrie Williams
James Williams
Mark Willicott
Carl Wilson
Jennifer Wood
David Wright
Lee Yates
Alistair Yeats
Vicky Yeomans
Paul Zak