5 June 2021
Entries for KACR 2021 have re-opened on SiEntries, both Supported (with own crew) and Unsupported (tended by organiser) places are available.
12 May 2021
Entries for LLCR 2021 have re-opened on SiEntries. Supported (with own crew) places only at this moment. However, if you like to be Unsupported (tended by organiser), instructions for entering (on the basis that you are added to a Wait List) can be found near the bottom of the How to Enter page.
1 April 2021
LLCR 2021 entries closed at the stroke of midnight 31 March 2021. The list of competitors can be found here; there is no waiting list. Entries for LLCR 2022 opens 06:00 23 September 2021 on SiEntries.
9 March 2021
LLCR 2021 entries will close at 140 participants, or on 31 March 2021, whichever is reached first – there are 14 places currently remaining. Once the participant limit or cutoff date is reached, there will be no waiting list for places.
1 February 2021
KACR 2021 entries closed at the stroke of midnight 31 January 2021. The list of competitors can be found here; there is no waiting list. Entries for KACR 2022 opens 06:00 23 September 2021 on SiEntries.
1 January 2021
KACR 2021 entries will close at 160 participants, or on 31 January 2021, whichever is reached first – there are 16 places currently remaining. Once the participant limit or cutoff date is reached, there will be no waiting list for places.
5 November 2020
We would like to encourage competitors with the following assurance – if the organiser cancels any or all 2021 events due to the pandemic, a 100% refund will be one of the options provided.
GUCR 2021 pre-registration on SiEntries closed at the stroke of midnight 31 October 2020 – the draw and allocation of all places is now complete. The provisional entry list can be found here; there is no waiting list. Pre-registration to enter the GUCR 2022 draw for places opens 06:00 23 September 2021 and closes 31st October 2021.
28 October 2020
Currently 244 are successfully pre-registered for GUCR 2021 on SiEntries; applications will close at midnight on Saturday 31 October. The lottery draw will take place from 3pm Sunday 1 November, this time from the comfort of home (all things considered!). The outcome of the assigned 170 places will be announced during the evening via email to all applicants and posted on the News section. Once the draw is concluded, there will be no waiting list for places. Best of luck!
21 October 2020
Rule #18 now added, as follows:
“18. Buddy runners (someone who runs with the competitor) must not carry any food, water or other supplies for their runner, i.e. muling is not permitted in this event. Buddies must depart aid stations at the same time as their runner.”
20 October 2020
Supported (with own crew) places only now remain for the 2021 KACR and LLCR. If you had hoped to compete Unsupported, tended by our race crews, all is not lost yet – details of the Unsupported Wait List including system and the (currently short) list of names, can be found for the KACR here and for the LLCR here.
23 September 2020
Entries for the 2021 canal races open from tomorrow, Thursday 24 September at 06:00 on SiEntries. Supported (with own crew): £60, Unsupported (tended by organisers): £90. Includes booking fee. £2 levy if unattached.
The option to enter more than one race, or all three for the Canalslam will be shown. In the hope of reducing daft questions later, the questionnaire there can only be answered if you have read all the pre-race information i.e. pre-entry notes, terms and conditions, information and rules. May I draw your attention to newly added rules #15, #16 and #17.
Entries for the London to Bristol and Liverpool to Leeds will be confirmed immediately i.e. completed as soon as payment is made on SiEntries; subject to correct questionnaire answers!
GUCR pre-registrations will take no payment, and the deadline for pre-registration is end of 31 October. Most places will be allocated by names being drawn from a hat in early November. All applicants will be notified of the result soon afterwards. Those successful will be invited back to SiEntries by email within a few days in order to make payment and confirm their place.
There are additional questions to be answered for the GUCR so we can record those intending to complete the Canalslam, and also to identify those persons that were unsuccessful in last year’s draw; who will receive an extra ticket in the hat. This time, all paid-up GUCR 2020 entrants as of 3pm on 25 March 2020 will have an extra ticket in the hat too, should they choose to re-apply.
To significantly improve chances of success at the GUCR draw, we encourage choosing the Supported (with own crew) category. Due to the high demand for an Unsupported (tended by organisers) place, versus the very limited places available.
At the GUCR draw evening in November (after the pre-registration window closes), 170 names will be allocated GUCR places from the applications received, as follows:
* each year some places are reserved for those that have made a significant contribution to the GUCR over its 26 year history, as well as to help rebalance the entry list in the organiser’s eyes, should it be needed.
N.B. all GUCR entry pre-registration data, including questionnaire answers, supported/unsupported choice, and intention to go for the Canalslam, are editable by each applicant up until the end of 31 October 2020.